Reader Merchandise Poll #2 - Or, What Goes On The Merch?

That mug with something like that crow picture with Quid Quo Crow on it? I could give that away as a Christmas present to people who don’t know the series.

That black and white with the kraken and moon? Something like that can go with:

I am a changeling like the seasons,
A daughter of shadow and light,
Of Charybdis mists and raven’s flight,
And always I seek after mysteries.

Which, of course, is part of the chant behind Siobhan’s symbol. (See What will Siobhan's symbol be able to do? for the rest of the chant, and some light speculation about it.)

There is some wonderful writing in the next chapter to go on RR. Full of good quotes. That might be a great source of ideas for the next poll. (I hope it isn’t a spoiler to say that Azalea’s future writing is really good. I mean, that’s kind of a baseline expectation given her existing writing…)