Ready, set, release the spoilers!
At this point, I will be terribly sad if Siobhan can’t have SOME sort of Celerium source from Myrddin’s book. Heck, even if its not a recipe, maybe finding a secret spell or something.
She’s giving away these conduits like candy and I am afraid.
AAAAAAHHHHHH IT WORKS! I cannot believe it was so easy. There has to be some kind of unintended consequence, I’m getting as paranoid as Siobhan with unlooked for good fortune!
I’m currently on week 2 of mystery possibly Covid illness. It seems to be doing the rounds at the moment. Health and wellness upon your household, hopefully your recovery is much swift and the illness light.
At this point I think that it might be a way to make ones own body be able to cast though safely without the need of celerium.
That would kind of make sense with the talk about the Sebastien body being made to be more receptive to magic.
Also we’ve been told that her family line had a better resistance to casting through them selves right?
Maybe the combo of her normal identity with her new identity will allow it somehow.
I do hope she finds a method to create conduits. For the simple reasons that the city and people will need them.
We need more Damien.
Ooh that’s an interesting guess. I like it. I wonder if it’s actually some kind of awareness spell for information gathering or long range spying? Gera could get something with her invisible mark into the high crown’s office… And maybe she could spy on Kiernan, too, and find out who is in charge of the Architects?
It seems like like, with very little effort, she could effectively spy on quite a few people and keep herself safer. The blackmail and information gathering possibilities are endless.
It’s hit nearly everyone I know. I’m so sorry you’ve been dealing with it, too! Hopefully you get better soon.
I swear this round two was worse than my first one. 101-102 degree fever and chills, everything tasted disgusting, and I was too exhausted to eat a full meal most days. And when I thought it was actually gone, the fever and chills came back. The faint cough persists.