Love Interests!

Now that the “Book of Secrets” Chapter has been out for a week, I feel like we’d all like to join the latest gossip. Loooooove!

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Lets rate Love interests!

Damien -

Pros: Ungodly Rich. Sweet as candy. Very willing to take on unspeakable odds for Sebastian.

Cons: I feel like finding out your partner is one of the most wanted criminals in the city woulr put a strain on the relationship.

Ana -

Pros: Also Rich. Very much a Girlboss. Willing to get her hands dirty, which matches Sebastian to a T. Oddly interestest in Gay Frog Babies, so if thats ever in the cards…

Cons: Aint about that life, would probably not be about that life.

Alec (Sorta Joke Pitch) -

Pros: Listen, Siobhan was technically already engaged to a Gervin, so it feels like it would fit certain tropes so well. Getting together with the person you did NOT want to be engaged to originally? Come ooooon. I’ve read romance books with that same plot.

Plus they can bond over the awful dads club

Cons: Siobhan’s general tendency to want a partner on her intellectual level. Also, waaaaay to little screentime, don’t know how much they would get along in a one on one setting.


Damien is too sweet and too naive, quite frankly. With maybe a decade of maturity he might be ready to date someone. He’s so sweet and devoted. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Ana -

Pros: Also Rich. Very much a Girlboss. Willing to get her hands dirty, which matches Sebastian to a T. Oddly interestest in Gay Frog Babies, so if thats ever in the cards…

Cons: Aint about that life, would probably not be about that life.

She does seem to think Ana is cute, but I honestly think S is crushing more on a book than she is her fellow students. :joy: I think Ana probably has been dating someone this semester.


Sadly, i dont think Damien is all that rich - his family is, and he gets a fair bit of money, but most of the moolah is in his dad’s hands.

All the other points are solid though.


I clearly need to read the latest chapter,

But I think Ana and our girl makes the most political sense for Ana, with Oliver in second, for Ana

Ana is smart and dedicated, she clearly wants to make improvements. Oliver would make a good business partner, and it seems her mother would approve, neither one would be thrilled, but they could make it work.

Our girl would be much better in Ana’s mins, Sabastion is her age, smart, willing to help protect her family almost without question. Sure he’s not a Lord, but he’s Lacers apprentice and clearly going to be a worth while name, he’s also connected to Lord stag and that is also points

it will be a good match in a few years when she’s done with school and fully ready to take over, like Oliver, she knows he won’t take over or undermine her.

But then when Ana figures out that S is actually a female? I absolutely believe she will make serious moves. They are male and female in public, just like her family wants. Then female/female in the bedroom still needing those little frogs. Not to mention the Raven Queen is one to be respected, I wonder if she’d take a villain name as well.

I’m still hoping that our girl stays ace and no real idea that she’s got this little harem building.



Pros: Crazy magical skills, already used to working with S as an equal, also obsessed about secrecy, has shown care for S on several occasions

Cons: Much older than S, rather abrasive, bound to end up arguing over spells and privacy


Pros: Already infatuated with S, burgeoning magical skills, fae abilities

Cons: Still too young for S (too many parallels to Anakin Skywalker and Padme), parents might object, apparently easy for him to be taken hostage


Pros: Unmatched political and military power, can grant S a full pardon from everyone except the Red Guard, enemies to lovers slow burn 250k words

Cons: Might try to execute her if they get into an argument, they haven’t met in person, he’s a creepy old man, enemies to lovers slow burn 250k words


Pros: Perfectly loyal, owes S his life, why am i still writing this

Cons: Anders might get jealous, why are you still reading this nonsense, probably not allowed in any restaurants because he’s a dog


You forgot Theo! Though I don’t think Theo has any romantic interest in her.

Miles loving her is clearly a thing, but honestly s shouldn’t even consider anything in that direction until after kid grows up… And maybe he moves on.

Watch, that is when she wakes up from being Ace xp

OK but having a dog instead of a romantic partner is a valid life choice. :joy::rofl: more fur, less drama, the dog is easier to housebreak…


Quite honestly, I think the best partner for Siobhan would be Sebastian.

She has already proven to have some kind of obsession with him considering she gave him that boon, so the interest is certainly there. The other way around, Sebastian would most definitely be attracted by a powerful sorceress such as the RQ.

They’re quite similar, which, while definitely making it easy to find common ground, might result in them enabling each other’s worst traits, but that’s nothing some good ol’ character development can’t fix!

It’s a shame they haven’t actually met yet, though — at least not in the sense that that could sit down and talk…:pensive::sleepy:


Oh no! I can just picture Damion getting all flustered about this!

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I could picture this being Lacer’s next wild assumption. No spoilers here because I have no idea what the next few chapters will bring, but I do wonder if he’s considering that. Or if he’s finally remembered The Dress Incident, which was so fleetingly unimportant to him that he moved past it immediately. (Points to Lacer for that.)


Okay, wait, we are talking about our girl here, Bear is the wrong fit, she’s not going to have a dog, clearly she’s ment to have a raven, Where is the great Empress? That would be a good fit.

They give each other as much attention as they want, the Empress gives her lots of space

Downside, the Empress absolutely steals shiny or important things when bored or upset

Gotta disagree. Siobhan send like a cat person to me. She likes her space and wouldn’t want to clean up bird poop. Cats bring you treasures (deadline things!) and almost never steal from you.

I think this discussion has evolved… into… Something? :joy:


I’m pretty sure that empress could be potty trained, and might give treasure (sometimes dead things!) she’s the raven queen, a raven would be a good fit, and we do have a named one.

Cats do too steal things! They just normally hid them in places that are annoying to get to. Soda tab collection under the fridge, how dare you find it! You put my dirty sock collection back under the couch that I shouldn’t be able to fit under right now!

We also don’t have a named cat, yet.

I wonder if any of the stray dogs got adopted and named? I kinda hope miles ended up with one! To sleep with and protect him when our girl can’t. I’m pretty sure his mom would much rather him obsess over a dog.


Everyone here is going to boot me out of the fan club if I suggest that Oliver is a better match for her than anyone her own age - and he’s only about a decade older, give or take.

So I won’t suggest it. And definitely won’t point out that she is already attracted to him and has chemistry and possibly some mutual feelings. I won’t mention that, unlike literally everyone else in her world, he probably knows her better than anyone. He’s also seriously, seriously screwed up and is on his way to earning her trust. And, since he’s a null, he’s probably immune to the weird obsession magic that follows her wherever she goes. He likes Siobhan for Siobhan.

NOPE. Won’t go there.


For both personality and politics, Oliver probably is a good partner for Siobhan. But, after his behavior in book 4, he needs something of a redemption arc in regards to S before that would even be possible. (Also i thought he was ~40 to S ~20, and compared to Lacer’s ~60)


Like I said, I’m not suggesting it or shipping it. Absolutely not. (Someone believes me… Right?)

As to ages I would have to check, but I believe Lacer is in his 70s, Liza is somewhat younger than him, and Oliver is somewhere in his early 30s. Azalea told me at one point, and may have even posted it here, but my brain has been sludge since covid.

If the age difference wasn’t so enormous between her and Lacer, and we were absolutely certain Lacer gives a fluff about anyone but himself, he would probably be the most sensible choice. Siobhan is obsessed with him.


It is worth noting that if she doesn’t get killed, Siobhan is going to outlive everyone. By a lot. Just like Myrddin did.

Why? Because she’s casting 24x7, and sometimes is dual casting. Which means that her capacity is growing faster than anyone else can. And increased capacity brings increased lifespan.


Ben, I’m trying to calculate how many cats Siobhan could have in 140-200 years… And it seems like a lot?

If Azalea does another AMA, my completely nonserious question will be what sort of pet Siobhan would enjoy. Magical and mundane.


Oliver is late 20s to early 30s. Liza said he was young when they met.

I’m not 100% against him and her, I swear. I think she’s to arom/ace to be thinking in that direction right now, the chemistry is there, but romance takes work and effort, and she’s not in a headspace for that.

There is also the problem of how manipulative and controlling he can be. Something that our girl said was a reason that she would discourage him if he had those feelings. (Poor girl, to blind to see that he does and was trying to deny it, treating her like an asset)

Kat, which seems to be one of the few beings (like Gera) who seem to not be at least somewhat enthralled by our girl (head of nightmare pack hasn’t gotten enough screentime to judge outside of “common knowledge”) did dress Oliver down, of course our girl doesn’t trust Oliver, they didn’t have that kind of relationship, it’s not fair to assume they did.

For oliver and our girl to be a couple stuff is gonna have to happen. At the very least he’s gonna have to prove that he won’t be manipulative towards her, and she has to get super comfortable with how he is manipulating others.

-thinking about the head of the nightmare pack, there is some boons there, helping lead other out cast like herself, need more data honestly

But downsides of almost always making Gera uncomfy because she’s a hole in the world, and Miles will prob only get more infatuated, which would upset Gera even more.

What about Tidus? I think he’s a tiny bit curious about the male form… That “being dressed down” kink is a thing I am uncomfortable with, but to those who like it…

… Look, why does our girl have to be monogamous? Though being poly can cause its own problems if everybody isn’t working to be on the same page sigh I am pretty sure Ana and Oliver could handle sharing S, Lacer & Eliza would prob prefer being comets (romantic partner who needs very little attention, around only slightly more often than a comet crossing the sky), I want to say that Damien has little tendencies (in a nonsexual way), which can be annoying, but if he finds another partner or some of the metas pay attention to him when our girl can’t,

Miles does t get to join the club until he’s an adult, prob a few years after being an adult honestly… seriously kid, make an effort for people your own age.

By the time Theo would be old enough, I’m almost positive he will find someone else.

Bear would happily be there, giving anybody attention who needed it, and that would prob get more beings to love Anders (if only platonicly, but still)

I think Tidus is going to be forced to marry someone, hopefully not Ana.

I think Castillo will find someone else, prob from the nightmare pack, she wants protection, I don’t know, guy feeling.

Percy is also to young and will probably accidentally get married to someone

Of the other royal pains in her butts I mean friends, clearly mean friends, I think Alec might be a contender, though I’d rather see him with Castillo, not that I see the Gervan family allowing it.

I think it would be so funny if in a few books from now one of the underlying problems in her life is she has to many people very clearly interested in her romantically and is trying to figure out how to deal with the problem.

Though having the high crown of the country also trying to seduce her, if only to get a more PR friendly way of better control of his country. ~~ okay, this is like 99% of a joke, we know he has a daughter in a crib, so there was a female with him. Dont know if she’s still there, or if he’ll get rid of her, or just take our girl as well.

Honestly, while I’m sure this could be written brilliantly, as it stands, I don’t see it, and I also normally find that kind of story in bad taste. I was mostly trying to weave in all the love interest.

Though I think Eliza might prefer her male form, if he gets more muscles.

I don’t feel good so I can’t keep trying to think up people who might fit into the cult and how.

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