Possible teleportation?

So quick background the black star sapphire that the Raven queen keeps as a secondary conduit had a myth related to it. That a powerful thaumaturge used it as an ingredient to create a teleportation spell that allowed them to step through shadows and warn their allies.

We also know that certain spells pull on a collection of beliefs about objects. Such as the spell to bring darkness in which the only sacrifice was a leaf.

Now could the Raven queen potentially create a teleportation spell by pulling of the myth that a teleportation spell was made with that black star sapphire as a sacrifice.


I know that S. asserts that the sapphire can be used in teleportation when she sees it. But.

It feels like myth, and maybe never occurred, or maybe just is very improbable. Lacer didn’t seem impressed with the idea:

“Yes. However,” Kuchen said, pausing to cough wetly into his handkerchief, “we are not discounting the possibility that she has some sort of movement or instant travel ability.”
Thaddeus sneered. “Teleportation is a thing of myths.”

And he had a similar response the Copper’s Chief later on:

“As we believe she may somehow be able to travel through shadows, and indeed many of her abilities being based around darkness and night, we have provided high-power light artifacts that will create a glowing barrier large enough to fit a single team. But more importantly, one member of each team has been assigned an artifact that will cast a series of miniature sun replicas in the air above you. This should allow you to negate many of her abilities.
Thaddeus gave in to the juvenile urge to roll his eyes.

But it might been even more impressive if she manages it.


Okay, but lacer also scoffs at the ability to split your will, and a few other things that we have seen to have been done.

I wonder if her accepting the black sapphire got leaked and that’s why people started thinking she could travel through shadows, between the shadow spell and knowing she took the stone gossip can be stupid.

And I bet teleportation is actually possible, if you can do output detachment the way she does I don’t see why you can’t do that to send anything like that somewhere else.

Honestly the magic in her word seems limited only by imagination, clarity, and will. I highly doubt power is as important as it seems, it’s a self imposed limitation, so I guess it is important

But as long as the magic understands what is wanted of you, and you can bully it into submission…

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I have been thinking the very same yhing for some time now… just waiting patiently for Azalea to pull that rabbit out of Siobhan’s hat.
On a related note i have been wondering with all the Lacer’s and the Red guard’s divination of both Sébastien and Siobhan why hasn’t anyone noticed the holster with the Saphire?.. i know on Siobhan it’s hidden because she normally doesn’t let down her ward But Lacer routinely pushes through it on Sébastien… and Sébastien allows that so it doesn’t seem wierd that its so strong…so lacer must have noticed a hidden holster and black saphire … i know Liza adjusted the wards so Siobhan could let down her ward and the discs wouldn’t be noticed… there must be a reason that Lacer hasn’t noticed yet… i dont think Azalea would have missed this speed bump. Did Siobhan put a chameleon spell/ward on it when she made the holster?

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I strongly suspect that no one is looking for the holster. Or, if they do see it, the don’t recognized what it actually is. Who is supposed to be able to cast with a conduit strapped to their body? No one. They never seemed to think to check for that, even when she was in custody.

As for teleportation spells: I agree there’s something interesting going on there.

S. might think its possible because Grandfather either claimed he could do it, or he had a book on it. S. thinks it was used by a king’s messenger. The messenger could have been a shadow.

But it may be that the sapphire can be used for the teleportation of objects rather than people, which could also explain Lacer’s opinion. Or S. could be wrong; when we see her in that scene she’s not nearly as well educated as she is later.

Teleportation might require too much power, unless cast as a ritual. This could also explain Lacer, e.g. teleportation is real, but not individual teleportation.

Or, hear me out: Azalea could have made a mistake. The sapphire shows up in the second book. She realized in the third book that teleportation would solve many plot problems for S. So, while its still possible in the second book, she starts the third book and decides to close off that magic from easy access from the MC. Maybe she’ll bring it back.

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Remember, magic has a mind of its own

The collective unconscious allows a sorcerer to draw on ideas to create a new reality. But it is also clear there comes a point where the physical laws smack the sorcerer upside the head and say “no.”

This line of reasoning suggests that there is magic that only the Archmage can perform, because people collectively believe that an Archmage can perform it. It is unclear if that’s true.


… From what I understand from reading, and if she is using the laws of magic that I think she’s pulling from

The people believe, so it’s real, d* the physics. Because how else do you get “true” invisibility from something that isn’t truly invisible, it’s just the belief.

And then you take into effect that new magic can be wild, but if your will is strong enough, if your clarity is clear enough, you can bully magic into doing what you want.

There’s a few times this gets demonstrated and talked about

There is a quote from the bible that says faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains.

I know of a pagen faith that adds something along the lines of “but doubt the size of an orchid can stop the world” meaning that if you have any sliver of doubt, your not going to be able to do the [magic] you are trying to do.

I am very sure that teleportation and other “impossible” things are real and possible

However, the self imposed limitations make it so.

There is so much hinting at propaganda trying to get magic to be aimed at how they want it to be. I think it’s in the fourth book someone wonders out loud is our girl trying to get the people to not think in the direction the crowns have been trying to make everybody think for how long?

One of the things I love about this series is how many layers deep everything is.

Lacer doesn’t understand why they didn’t jump to take In someone who actually wants to understand magic instead of just accepting what is told

And when our girl tries to ask about why/how things work, she is told to not question them until she’s gotten more education

… There is a point in the wheel of time series when egwene realizes that they say they only want to help teach her in the beginning, but really, they only want to set her up as a puppet, in 50 years when they let her lead on her own she will either still want their help, or just mindless do what they want being forced into a trap…

And how lacer still doesn’t seem to understand that is what the university is doing…

I stand by my statement, the only real limitation on magic is imagination, clarity, and will.

Though I am pretty sure there is other ways than bullying the magic, it’s just none other than the geatura have been shown yet.

All the signs are there, and questions are being asked, in the series, sometimes with answers…

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Her symbol? If people think that she can do this, magic may let her tie the ability to the symbol.

I wonder what differences there might be between how she can use her symbol, and how anyone else can?

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They think she is using it that way, so it works like that for them

Like the fish.

I like your logic

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