Lacer's Realisation And It's Consequences

So, we now get to wait a week (at least) until the consequences of Siobhan’s little slipup are revealed, so let’s do some blatant speculation, put a few bets in.

For my part, I’m going to put a bet on Lacer’s approach being summed up as “I’m not mad you decieved me this entire time, I’m disappointed that it was such a dumb slipup. Come on, you’re better than this”. Mostly because that would be hilarious and if I turn out right I’ll look prescient.

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Oh? Whch chapter are you on?

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Us non-Patrons just hit 211. Lacer put together the similarity with Sebastian and Siobhan’s eyes, and then we smacked into a cliffhanger because authors seem to draw supernatural power from the despair of those. Very evil of them (affectionate).


Two more weeks!

I won’t spoil it for you, but, as usual, it’s not what you’d expect.

Mod note : since there has been some confusion on this, this thread is in the main PGTS forum and should not contain any spoilers past here.


For those of you wondering book 5 starts here

Because me and Blue were talking about when he was gonna start reading it to me.

Non patreon members are a few weeks behind.

But if you want to jump right to book five and catch up, here you go!

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You know,

Is Lacer going to remember all the times he told our girl that the Raven Queen didn’t actually have interest in her, but sending messages to him?

I kinda hope we get to see his reaction as he realizes how he talked about the Raven Queen to our girl

Will Lacer look back at our girls reactions to his bragging and think “what an actor?” Or something?

I know I know, we have to wait to find out

But… This is absolutely something I want to see, even better if our girl is in the room and we are looking at Lacers point of view



That would be awesome.

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I think Lacer is going to make a connection just not the correct one. I think he will look at the two having the same eyes and think of a family connection. It would explain why the raven queen is interested in Sebastian.

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The chapter is out to use free readers btw.

Interesting. My first reaction when reading this chapter on what his reaction was going to be was more a “hArRy dId U pUt uR nAmE iN tHe gOBleT oF fIrE” approach.

Wait can someone draw this scene


He said calmly.

I am very sure that quote could have been asked calmly with a time that absolutely made every hair on your back raise up.

The more I think and learn about HP, the more disappointed I am.

However, I knew as soon as I read the chapter in book 7 about dumbdoor and his special friend that the headmaster was very gay, and rereading the series, I was a little uncomfortable because it felt like he was in love with Harry, just never acting on anything.

But then finding out about all the other stuff, yeah, it’s a thing.

It got kids to read though, and anything that gets kids to start reading… Right?


JK Rowling definitely has had some misgivings for me with her comments on transfolks which is terrible. That being said, it still does have a special place in my heart as a cornerstone for me growing up. As a gay man, I will say that I actually did not get any sort of creepiness from Dumbledore when it became apparent he was probably gay. I did not get the sense he was “in love with harry” in that way at all. Gay adults can care for children without it being weird…

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To be clear, him being gay wasn’t what bothered me

It was how he looked at and treated Harry.

And yes, gay people can care for people and it’s fine. My problem is only with how dumbledork behaved towards Harry. This one specific (imaginary) adult makes me uncomfortable for one specific (imaginary) child. I am not generalizing

No, it felt like he was grooming Harry, he loved Harry a bit more than an adult should love a child.

Yeah, I realize that he was raising Harry to basically be willing to be a sacrifice, but some of the looks made me feel like had Harry been older dumbledork would have quite possibly acted on his feelings.

He clearly doesn’t act on any feelings, and other than how he looks, treats, and talks to Harry, the cues are very stubltle. Which, is how an adult with improper feelings towards a child should act when they can’t simply remove themselves from the child’s life for whatever reason.

How the Harry Potter series made me feel growing up will hold a special place in my heart, but learning what I have about everything, the author, the story, how the ending didn’t really fix anything …

I cannot bring myself to like it as much.

It got kids to read, it still gets kids to read, it still brings joy to lots.

But I kinda wish that the books that um, let’s just say inspired it got as much love and recognition.

Were, the reveal should be in 214?

I’m not gay, but I read the books as an adult in the first place. Noting that Dumbledore was gay after that last book was done felt as if Rowling treated being gay: 1. like a secret and 2. like a character flaw. That disappointed me.

Why, for instance, isn’t it rather more explicit that Dumbledore had his heart broken in the last book? This could have easily been shared by his close friends or even in Rita’s “biography” and would have given depth to the story. Instead, there’s a mere implication, because I suppose wizard culture was trapped in the 1930s eugenics, and 1960s anti-gay sentiment. I thought this was a criticism, but I wonder now if Rowling actually approved of the anti-gay part. For her, it shows how flawed Dumbledore was, not how human he was.

Luckily, there was no indication that Dumbledore was attracted to Harry as far as I am aware. For the most part, Dumbledore avoids him, teaches him almost no magic at all, and largely doesn’t prepare him for a confrontation with Voldemort, because “prophesy”. At least Rowling did not make Dumbledore into a child molester.

But that doesn’t make Dumbledore good. In the Goblet specially, the entire story is dismissive of Harry’s consent. Dumbledore does not react aggressively in the book, but we know this is very likely because he already knew Harry had not done it. Harry just isn’t good enough with magic. Therefore, it should have been obvious then that anyone that was pushing for his participation was a problem: Harry could have forfeited. Contracts are based on consent, and Harry did not agree. Someone else put his name in, it was obvious, and the backlash could not have possibly hurt him.

But then, its a criticism of sport that we put children in danger for our entertainment. The press, the government, and the schools are all in on it.

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At least that year they tried to make it so you had to be a legal adult

But this is getting far off topic

Thanks for the severe emotional scarring… Not because of Dumbedore being gay, but because of there being some possible grooming vibes. :face_vomiting:

This discussion is fine, by the way, but if you all want to continue it, we can just make a separate thread out of the PGTS section.


Foreboding of woe chapter 44

How lacer talks to our girl about what he knows of the Raven Queen.

How good of an actor is our girl, or does lacer just think she’s kinda stupid.

Will he look back at that scene and her behaviors.

Oh man, I can’t wait.

Ooo, Steph reminded me, Lacer knows that S sometimes dresses up like a girl…

All the clues are RIGHT THERE.

:joy: :rofl: He is gonna kick himself when he figures it out.

D has more excuses about not catching on just yet


It is hard for us to realize the most embarrassing ways in which we’ve been wrong. Because the fact that it is embarrassing causes our mind to shy away from it.

At this point I think that someone else will have to tell him.