Why hasn’t Damien figured it out yet?

“That’s an interesting stealth spell you’re casting,”

So, at the incident at Eagle tower, Damien first notices the effect of Sebastien’ “boon.” Later, this boon is explained as having been given to S. after the incident with Newton.

But Damien knew S. had it sooner.

Sebastien stepped into the spell array the diviner had drawn on the floor while Professor Lacer murmured with the woman, something Damien couldn’t quite catch about a “boon,” and “increasing the required power,” that made the woman pale uncomfortably. Damien suspected it had something to do with whatever the Raven Queen had done to Sebastien that he wasn’t able to talk about.

The woman cast the spell, and there were a few seconds where things felt strange, and Damien found himself looking away. As he examined the others, he was surprised to see both Fekten and the healer looking back at him.

He has even talked to Sebastien about it:

But Sebastien had a boon from the Raven Queen, right? Damien still wasn’t sure of the details, but Sebastien had once mentioned that it could ward off divination.

So, why doesn’t it occur to him, by now, that S. had it sooner, and that Sebastien’s story doesn’t line up with the facts?

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Which chapter is that? Is that chapter free yet?

And come on, s has slipped in front of lacer and Damion so many times, it’s really because they just aren’t able to think that she could be changing her sex

He doesn’t know what the boon does and he doesn’t know why things were uncomfortable and he looked away.

When Sebastien was sneaking around before he wasn’t forced to look away, he just noticed that it was hard to notice him.

Also, Damien isn’t suspicious of Sebastien the way she is of everyone and everything. He thinks of Sebastien as a friend and doesn’t analyse everything she does looking to catch her out.


I’m not saying that he would figure out that S. is the Raven Queen; I’m just thinking that Damien should suspect that the reason is the opposite of what he first thought: S. isn’t trying to find the Raven Queen, S. is protecting her.

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I get that, but I’m just saying he is missing pertinent information (what the boon does) and has no reason to connect the spell S was casting with the boon.

He’s doesn’t doubt the things S tells him or the things he’s deduced about S.

It’s a recurring theme - people making assumptions and not challenging them, or being unreliable narrators because they have an inaccurate view of events.


To be fair, in this world, I am very sure that people have been taught to not question things.

There is to many things trying to control the narrative, might I point out Lacer’s reaction to our girl trying to think around stuff she doesn’t know

And how annoyed he was that none of his coworkers jumped on accepting her

How many times has she been mocked for not following “just believe your betters”

Unfortunately Damion not questioning things is a product of his rasing

lacer, however, has less of an excuse. The facts that they are one in the same has been waved in front of him so many times, and once or twice I thought he figured it out, only, he seems to talk himself out of it, and the question of why?

He knows he’s not infallible, but this is a thing he could try to make guesses about.

However, I don’t think he can comprehend that there might be a way to gender swap.

… I hope Anna finds out, like I said, I think it would solve her problem of how does two girls have a baby quite well… Also how powerful our girl could become politically.

Though honestly, I want S to stay ace/arom for a very long time, just the idea of Anna seeing all the political gain, and honestly cares about her to boot

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The thing is, the truth is frankly absurd.

Magic that can not only change your gender but also every single thing about you, bar the eyes - turning you from a dark skinned, dark haired woman into a pale skinned, blond haired man - and it isn’t actively cast, isn’t an illusion, it’s just a transformation from one state to another, can you see how outrageously impossible it seems?

No one has heard of anything like it.

On top of that, the Raven Queen is “known” to be a free caster. There’s evidence around that (flawed) and the only time she’s been seen using arrays is when she’s been dual casting.

(And that one healing spell that they puzzled over then dismissed)

Lacer is aware of his apprentice’s capabilities and knows that he couldn’t pull off what the Raven Queen can. There are so many other theories to explain what’s going on between Sebastien and Siobhan without jumping to “they are the same person”.

How does one become a notorious criminal and excel at university at the same time, anyway? There aren’t enough hours in the day! (For normal people)


I would not say that the truth is absurd

I would say everybody’s perception of the raven queen is absurd.

But lacer has been handed proof that she uses tricks, and the red guard knows she seems to prefer to not use magic when she can use tricks.

However, lacer wants the raven queen to be an equal, a possible companion, where as he looks at s. As his ward that he needs to teach to properly take care of themself.

Lacer is willing to accept that his apprentice and the raven queen work together for some reason, but just doesn’t want to accept they might be one in the same.

– poor Damien just doesn’t know how to ask the right question, the only one of that friend group who might would be Anna, and that is prob a 80% chance she won’t think to ask or figure it up.

No, I think the only way D is gonna figure it out is like @BlueNinja 's little fanfic where s accidentally transforms in front of him

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I feel like, at this point, if S. transforms in front of Damien, he’s going to go “I knew it!”


Oh, no, I disagree

And he’s going to be upset that he didn’t figure it out and very very bitter, at her mostly, for not trusting him

She did warn him about having big secrets, and not to try and figure them out. And while his initial reaction would most likely be negative, it’s very understandable why she’d rather keep it a secret, especially since his brother is trying to catch her.

And it’s really not surprising they aren’t making the connection, ignoring the body change just the disparity in what people think the raven queen is capable of magically vs what Sebastien can do would throw people off (even though she’s supposed to be Siobhan, who was supposed to be in the same ballpark as Sebastien power wise).

I could see Lacer finally figuring it out if her amulet is mentioned in the books the university has :stuck_out_tongue:


… Watch the amulet be mentioned in her book, not theirs

What if there are amulets inside the other books?

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That would be interesting, how could she find out without giving it away though

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she’d need a credible distraction

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Love makes you blind to the facts.

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