Reader Merchandise Poll #2 - Or, What Goes On The Merch?

What if there was a raven hoodie that had like a feather thing for between arm and side?

Looks at poncho or get someone who does supplimation and do a print that makes the poncho look kinda like a raven when you hold out the arms.

No supplimation machine here, it’s hard to just do the triangles for my white mage

Love this one:
“I may be arrogant, but you’re still wrong,”
Chapter 185


T-Shirt For Quid Pro Crow with a Crow image. Also love the inversion quote, same image. The insults are playful, but … maybe just on a mug or sticker? That feels too aggressive on a t-shirt. I don’t like white on black, but there aren’t many grey shirts out there, and I like grey and charcoal t-shirts. With a black crow or bright colored spell circle of some kind, the quotes stand out.

The quotes I’ve had on T-shirts are usually like the ones from T-Turtle, short and closely connected with the image.

If we were just doing quotes, there’s some really interesting ones from Lacer that are easy to overlook, and could be fun paired with the right image:

If you know the destination you wish to reach, you have already arrived.

You continue to satisfy expectations.

Apologies at this juncture are useless.

Agree that you’ll want good images. I’m a proponent of Impressionistic styles for this, it came about after the Paris Exposition in the late 1800s, and was a move to internationalism, being influence by Japanese, Indian, and south asian art. But, art deco is also an evolution from that era, as are cartoons (which were influenced by the Japanese block prints). I also like silhouette for quotes; Paper silhouette is a fantastic portraiture form that was popular in America in the 1800s, and makes a really strong image - especially when used for birds in profile.


I perfectly sculpted Damien wig without any split ends.


How about drink coasters with Spell circles on them… could be the beer or beverage is on the output circle for cooling or positive augmentation… could be the beverage is the sacrifice and the output is distanced to the drinker for a healing affect … like the whiskey quote from Lacers’s class… cant remember the quote at the moment. I guess i need to to go look it up now… ahh and a shot glass for “Potions”… philters… you know take a sip and everything goes black but somehow you know where everybodies “Elbows” are :wink:

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I always liked the Easter egg from Seeds used as the pass phrase at the Secert Thaumaterge meeting, “What Deamon feasts on the corpse of a thought”
She answers “Speak not of such things that they may speak of you” or something simular to that…
Of course its the Aberrent “Tempest”…
One of my favorites… probably to obscure and long…it might fit on opposite sides of a coffee mug… speaking of Coffee mugs shouldnt you sell coffee mugs the that are “Imbued with Wakefullness Magic” ?.. or at least labeled so


tbh I would just like spell circles on everything. Give me a spell circle on the cover of a notebook that might encrypt it, give me a coffee mug with an already inscribed spell circle that creates wakefulness brew, along with instructions, give me a backpack/bag with a space bending spell array printed on it.

it’s not exactly a spell circle, but I would also wear a shirt or carry a bag with the glyph of the Raven Queen printed on it. Tbh I’d actually prefer it printed on the back instead of the front and a bit off to the side, so it’s as if she’s tracking you, but you aren’t necessarily aware of that.

There can be a raven or quote or something on the other side of it to make it appealing to a wider range of fans, but that doesn’t really hold too much appeal to me.

I much prefer products that have a subtle meaning that isn’t as explicit to the casual onlooker. It both keeps me from feeling like a giant tacky billboard for other people’s explicit advertising, and allows me to explain the cool stuff I like without people jumping too far in their own conclusions.


I’m replying to as many of you as I can, but I want to let you know that we love your suggestions! Thank you all so much.

Oh, it’s going to be one. :rofl: It’s my favorite Siobhan quote. That, or her insults!

Thank you! Those are great suggestions. It seems to be what a lot of people are in agreement on. We’ll have a few raven designs, but we’ll also incorporate spell circles, symbols, and creatures.

“‘Death would be an ending of the story for the person I care most about—myself. The only story that matters.’” That one?

Love that idea!

Love this suggestion!

We have a supplier for this. As long as I size the images right, there’s some variation of what will be on the edges (if anything), but each case will be fully wrapped.

I love that style, thank you for sharing. We will have some more subtle lineart, because, quite frankly, that’s what looks best on apparel and can go on anything.

The mockups are to give everyone an idea of what products will look like, and that the designs we’ll offer for merch will be of a higher quality, and with more options - probably lot more spell circles, symbols, and simpler line art. Nothing in this thread is being offered as a finished product, or is even for sale. I apologize for not making that clearer, but I hope we’re all good!

Thanks for those!

Caution: Wakefulness Magic?

No no, that part was clear, I promise.

I just wanted to be clear that the final product be drawn by an actual being, not just some clever machine.

I think I was the one who wasn’t clear.

Also which chapter does she describe her symbol again? I want to try to draw it

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Hi! I think what you are after is early in Chapter 163 (20 in Book 4) - Refinement of the Nine Heavens:

Sebastien designed a personalized symbol easily enough - a few angled lines that evoked both wings in flight and blades. It reminded her of the Raven Queen persona, all freedom and a hint of violence, and was also a reference to the blade of enlightenment, forever cutting through reality to the truth.

Happy drawing :slight_smile:


I imagined it something like this.



Yes, exactly! By far Siobhan’s best line in the entire story so far🤣


Tapestries might be a good idea for merch, i use them when decorating my place and in general most ideas would look good on one. Might be cool to set up a tapestry of a spell array on the ceiling or something.

This is my first attempt at trying to figure out the lines


I drew this a few days ago out of boredom.

It’s prob to complex for her symbol, but it’s kinda a wing?

I don’t know, I draw weird line art sometimes

I like the first two

Oneline art is a very distinctive style that would do well as more simple merch designs. In this case, it would be one of the raven or humanoid raven figure. The latter may not work as well as it relies largely on the most basic features being easily recognizable. I’d show an example but I don’t think I can.

Aside from that, magic circles are cool when done well. Really cool. The scene of Siobhan using the glass magic arrays that gave the illusion that they were appearing in midair comes to mind as a visually distinctive scene, perhaps only the hand and the magic circle (appearing to) hover above it.

Your descriptions of alchemy really struck me. The beamshell tincture, philter of darkness, moonlight sizzle, and proprioception potion all do such unique things beyond the usually plain description given to potions in fantasy. A simple lineup of such bottles on a wooden shelf with haphazard labels pasted onto the sides with a scrawling script denoting their contents would make for a very unique graphic. Even if not printed onto merch, it’s an image I’d love to see.

For an event rather than an object, either Siobhan or Sebastian walking towards the viewer, pushing through a crowd that’s subtly making way for them due to the anti-divination ward is an idea for a piece. I suppose it would be Sebastian, on school grounds, pushing his way towards the divination tower before they overwhelm his wards. It may be a little more difficult to visually explain what’s taking place, but even just the wide shot of the students of the academy is a new perspective.

In terms of quotes, nothing really struck me quite so hard as “I have the will” when she was first entering the academy. A hand pressed against a frosted-over chalkboard, runes for light and heat scrawled upon it, “I have the will.” written beneath. If it’s good enough for Lacer, it should be good enough for merch.


Completely agree on the alchemy point, the descriptions are amazing and would fit well as a bigger piece or within an image.

I also really like your idea using “I have the will”! Could easily see that framed and hanging on a wall.


Guess who has a few spoons and plenty of material to try out with?

I think right now my biggest problem is going to be font.

What font feels like our girl is talking in her girl form you know?

its cutting. I’ll upload a picture when i’m done.

Ideas for keychains:
A little grimoire.
It could be open and filled with a message, or quote/quotes (of which every word could be written in a different language).

Or it could be filled with magic circles.
Or it could be closed, with different letters made to look like glyphs, where someone could get a grimoire with the first letter of their name on it.

A raven with a message/letter in its mouth

Theo, with Empress on his shoulder

Some depicting the magical deserts of the Glasshopper

A small, glow in the dark “Moonlight potion”
A philitre of darkness

A depiction of the spindly man with a beak (siobhan’s controlled shadow)

One of the Verdant Stag’s symbol
One of the Nightmare Pack’s symbol
One of the Morrow’s symbol
One of the Architects Of Kronos symbol
One of Siobhan’s symbol

Ideas for bookmarks:
A bookmark with as background maybe magic circles, or if that is too busy then with a single colour background, with a headder reading something along the lines of: ways to silence the room when wanting to read, or: crass comments against those of little wit.
Filled withh Sebastian’s insults

A bookmark (that i have laid horizontally for the sake of this description) with Siobhan on the right, facing right, in the raven queens atire with the end
Of her dress turning into a raven.

A bookmark that portrays Sebastian saving those sprites in the winter

A bookmark that has Sebastian looking in a tall mirror and seeing the raven queens winking at him.

A bookmark of Theodore Lacer casting a powerful and visually appealing spell.

For tapestries:
One depicting the abberant Newton moore turned into, and Siobhan getting her bag back

One depicting the massive spell that the ex red guard member used in the prison of Verdant stag, and how they used wind to fend of the black dust

One depicting the massive spel Siobhan used on Miles.

One depicting The city on the day of Ennis his conviction, showing the stream of Ravens, The masses of people moving about, and the lone raven carrying a message, maybe even the scuffle between pendragon’s guards, and Siobhan and Miles.

One depicting Siobhan regaining her stuff from the inn she and Ennis stayed at, in a strip like manner, with a panel of Siobhan climbing the wall and drawing the cirkle on the window, a panel showing her climbing through the window, on eshowing her getting her stuff, One showing her climbing down and falling, One or two for the chase, and a panel for when she’s Sebastien and together with Oliver dryden get the guards to leave.

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