About anything that interests or amuses you. I’ll start.
Did you know that US taxpayer dollars went to creating a dad jokes website? The reasoning was that access to better dad jokes would make for better dads, making families more likely to stay together.
Of course, being a government website, it’s sometimes down. But you can always hope for a joke here.
Cobalt is a metalic element that its oxide is blue and its carbonate is pink. It’s currently being used in Li-ion batteries, but before that it was mainly used in pottery: “blue and white” china has a cobalt “underglaze” painted on or in a decal to make the decoration. Before cobalt, blue was very expensive: lapis luzuli was the only mineral source of bright blue for paint or dye, and the technique for an organic source - shells - was lost to europeans in medieval period. Rich blue was therefore very expensive (hence, “Royal Blue”).
In Europe, germanic miners found Cobalt. They were able to seperate the cobalt from the metal they were mining but it was a useless brittle and crumbly element. Because this metal seemed cursed, they called it goblin metal. Goblin being “Kobold” Thus, Cobalt.
So, when I read a fantasy story where there’s “goblin made” sword, I always imagine it’s a blue sword.
So, Godrick Griffindor’s sword in Harry Potter is blue!
So we are at Costco today and Manny, who is use to riding on shoulders or in pockets spent some time being ridiculous insisting he didn’t have to be in the pouch
I eventually wore him out with a game of jump between me and Blue before tricking him into the pouch.
It was cute, silly, this this little spoiled butthead