Thursday Support Thread

It’s the best day of the week. (Sorry, Friday.) It’s also the worst day of the week, while we’re checking our phones to see if the new chapter is up.

Post your whines, vents, and impatience away. We get it. :sob:

Here’s an emotional support kitten for you if you clicked. Gifs, pictures, etc are allowed and encouraged.


It’s Wednesday. . . just checking in. How are you all doing?

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Freezing at work. Almost through the beta-reading of book 4 (loving it!). Wanting to go home and cuddle my sugar gliders.

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Hopefully the suggies are warm!!!

We may need a chat for everyone who is beta-ing book 4… I’m dying to discuss…



I’m bumping this because I think we all need it right now. :joy:


A few memes for everyone struggling today


I just finished reading Mother of Learning and really feel that third meme.


I still haven’t read it, yet. I started but didn’t get addicted…

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Obviously I was refreshing Patreon to check for PGTS, but earlier today I for two Dungeon Crawler Carl chapters as a little surprise treat, so it worked out.

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85% of me writing a fan-fiction is because I can’t wait for the next chapter, so I’ll just make one up. 10% is me trying to write in this style., and practicing. 5% is hoping other people will find this as much fun as I do.


The anticipation is hitting me extra-hard this Thursday.

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If I wasn’t so busy and exhausted, all I would be doing is checking my email for the Patreon notification. :joy:

I also started this post 20 minutes ago, and now it’s up, @Keid !

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I need the most support on the Friday after. It’s a long week until the next update.


Bucky the Bad Dog will provide emotional support for treats. She will also judge your enemies harshly, and from afar.

If that doesn’t work, this meme reminded me of PGTS…


And Pluto and Bella will be there for support after they finish a very important nap!


Xion will have a death grip of the thumb of your dominant hand so you will focus on her until you feel better before letting go


I’m thinking i need an animal. Does this count?

Also. The refresh button has worn out on Patron or something. I feel I’ve missed it somehow, right? Right?


It counts! Very cute. Cicada?

I haven’t even checked today. I’m absolutely exhausted and probably will go to bed early and catch it tomorrow. :melting_face:

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That is such a pretty katy-did.

… That’s what I have always called them, I think because I didn’t understand what my family said when they named it, and I don’t think they ever corrected me

But every year I use to run around and collect all the shells