What if the real Siobhan was the "aberrant" we made along the way?

Okay, so just trying to put together a few things and am interested in hearing what other people think about the idea:

What if the version of Siobhan that existed prior to the events leading up to her grandfather’s death is actually what is sealed inside her, and the version of Siobhan/Sebastien that we know was actually some spirit or other entity that was bound to her, had it’s own memories sealed, and had her memories bound to it.

This explains:

  • Why the Siobhan we know has no real sense of muscle memory or reflexes. If it isn’t really her own body, and she’s merely an entity possessing it, then it would make sense that she is controlling every movement like a puppet rather than with a deeper more feedback-based connection.

  • Related to the above, it explains why her she might feel like she was controlling her body from a distance away from it, and why she might lose all control over her body when she is caught up thinking too hard about something. Normal people don’t forget to stand when they think really hard, because their movements are deeply intertwined with their consciousness itself. That isn’t the case for the entity we know as Siobhan.

  • Why Amber (what I’m choosing to call the amber-eyed thing inside of the Siobhan we know) doesn’t seem be acting very aberrant-like. Some aberrants do seem capable of complex thought and speech, but even when they are capable of this, that thought seems to consistently be applied towards propagating their aberrant effect. Moonsable tries to get the lights turned off, The Dawn Troupe seems to make deals and/or offer boons to those who can survive trials, the Red Sage chats to reveal its prophecies, etc. The only thing consistent about Amber’s behavior seems to be melodrama (which befits one of Ennis’s offspring)

  • Why Amber would make the claims that she did when they talked under the effects of the sensory deprivation spell. It makes absolutely zero sense for Amber to be an actual aberrant that is telling the truth when she says that Siobhan’s grandfather meant to seal her permanently and to send her to those who could help… That would be against Amber’s best interests in every way… But what if her grandfather’s plan was almost the complete opposite of that? What if her grandfather had always intended for the bindings to unravel and for the sealed entity to regain control, bit by bit, from within her dreams… Only to then have this plan thwarted by the dreamless sleep spell? In that case, telling a story that gets the body-controller to examine the seal more closely makes a lot of sense.

  • Why she is able to split her will. In this case there really would be two independent entities with two independent wills, subsumed into one body.

  • Her explosive growth. She is noted to be growing very quickly, even before she manages to figure out her extra tricks to multiply those gains. If the Siobhan we know isn’t actually a normal human, but some other type of entity capable of more rapid will growth, that makes sense.

  • Why two powerful thaumaturges with specialties revolving almost entirely around rooting out hidden truths (Thaddeus and Gera) have both independently come to the conclusion that The Raven Queen is a much older thing that is possessing that human body. She literally is, she just doesn’t know it.

As for why her grandfather would do this, my best guess is that the entity currently in control of Siobhan’s body is immune to Blight type aberrants. Since the local village was apparently overrun, he might have thought that the best bet was to have her body temporarily piloted out of harm’s way by an entity which couldn’t be harmed by the threat, but was still going to act like his granddaughter would, because it thinks it is her.


I love this theory.
I don’t know if it is the likely answer but I love this theory non the less.

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