Would you be a Witch or a Sorceror?

Oh no :joy: does he rat you out when you are misbehaving.

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Bork! Bork Bork!

I think I’m familiar with this type of familiar.


I think I’d want to learn about and practise multiple things, but my full aspirations would be confounded by ageing, bane of my life. So I’d want to focus on preserving life initially, and if I succeeded, then I would have time for other things too.

I think I’d probably focus on modern sorcery, based on the limits of what’s been revealed in the story so far. There would be a high chance I would be alright with learning about blood magic, because largely I’m not compelled to follow social dogmas. I think I’d probably not want a familiar, though my mind could be changed if there was a potential familiar that would be really helpful compared to the cost, for what I was expecting to do.

I’d want to learn various things outside the norm, like illegal magic. For example, there’s the sleep proxy spell, so maybe there could be an ageing proxy spell that makes one animal take age-related damage in place of the other. Learning about the causes of ageing might be important for doing this spell. Perhaps you could even try a social anxiety proxy spell, and a suffocation proxy spell, and traumatic injury proxy spell, and a total obliteration proxy spell (I was being deliberately silly).

Knowledge from natural science could inform spells for healing the body. If I gained necessary knowledge, I might try a spell to undo glycation and other causes of ageing. Intelligence would be important, so I would ideally try improving mine, and perhaps work with people who are intelligent. So my plans could change.

After securing my existence (and the existences of other people!), I might think about learning Gestura things in my plentiful time. I might probably not find out that will can be exerted to learn things fast like what Siobahn does, and it might take me years like usual, but I’d have enough years. I’d compare its usefulness to modern sorcery beforehand, though. Shamanry and esoteric spells seem interesting. Learning about physics would be interesting to me, because it’s interesting to me actually. Living long enough would enable learning really quite a lot of things.