Liches Get Stitches by HJ Tolson

I recently came across this series and I love it! It is less serious and has a much “softer” magic systems compared to PGTS, but the characters and plot are lots of fun.

There are four books available as ebooks and audiobooks with the fifth being serialized on Royal Road. I listened to the four books over the last three days. Here is the synopsis:

Evil stirs in the forest of Downing, spreading blight across the ancient boughs. Busy with troubles of her own, Maud the village witch just wants to be left alone. Peace and quiet should be easy enough when you’re dead, right?


Reborn as a powerful lich, Maud is suddenly faced with the attentions of all the righteous heroes, holy clerics, and nosy neighbours of the realm. Now instead of whiling away the days in her garden with her cat and her knitting, Maud must figure out how much force is required to crush a man’s spine, the proper storage solution to keep a spoiling cadaver, and how best to display the remains of the fallen for maximum scare.

Featuring people mulch, head bouquets, revenant geese, and some very deadly embroidery, undead paradise never looked so good.

TLDR: Got lich powers. Stabbed human. Stabbed more humans. Destroyed kingdom. Did more stuff. Got some useful subordinates. Ate more human souls. Some knitting and cat patting side quests. Killed other lich, now will kill god. ez.


Reborn as a powerful lich, Maud is suddenly faced with the attentions of all the righteous heroes, holy clerics, and nosy neighbours of the realm. Now instead of whiling away the days in her garden with her cat and her knitting, Maud must figure out how much force is required to crush a man’s spine, the proper storage solution to keep a spoiling cadaver, and how best to display the remains of the fallen for maximum scare.

Featuring people mulch, head bouquets, revenant geese, and some very deadly embroidery, undead paradise never looked so good.

I think I fell in love with this book without even reading it. Thank you for this excellent recommendation, because it’s been added to my wish list.

I love this series. I don’t really have much to add other than that but the niche subgenre of people becoming monsters and just trying to live their best lives from there is S-tier.

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I believe I read book 1 some years ago now. Would recommend. :slight_smile: