Can I stream while pgts plays audibly in the background?

So for those who don’t know, I am a very small niche crafter, creator, and streamer.

When I’m crafting, I like to have books playing in the background, videos distract me, my brain likes to mess with music I listen to

But audio books? I can enjoy listening while I focus on whatever I am making.

I completely understand, and respect that you do not stream other people’s copyright content without permission.

Sometimes I have headphones, but sometimes I have enough people following that it’s engaging enough that I don’t need the book.

Headphones can be painful, even the bone kind I like…

So I was wondering if Mz Azalea would be okay with her books playing during streams, and I could make sure to have a link or something to wherever she wants.

Okay, done rambling, back to the project.

Isn’t it cool?
Oh, right, I’m using my proper camera between steps

Little firelizard

Hey Arieth!

Yeah, it would be fine with me as long as you mention “A Practical Guide to Sorcery by Azalea Ellis” verbally, with a link, or whatever. Just some kind of attribution.

This is due to the fact that I imagine you wouldn’t be streaming the books completely, from beginning to end in such a way that it basically turns into a free audiobook for your watchers. (I figure this would be pretty hard to do without intent, especially from what you’ve mentioned about your listening habits.) That would be another matter, which I would not be cool with.


… No free full audible! -.- t

Start at some random place and absolutely be linked and talked about! And I don’t typically post my streams, so it’s live or nothing!

Sometimes it hurts to have headphones, ear buds, or the bone headphones things I love so much…

I need to set up my stuff . but my room is so cramped until I build a whatever for my bed