Let's take the "Transmutation Exercises" test!

At the time I half-joked on Patreon that Lacer kinda gave Sebastien and Damien an autism assessment, or test for neurodivergence in general, but it’s also more than that, and I would be curious to know more broadly how members here think, plus it just seems like fun to me.

Anyway, here are the questions, I filled in a lot of my own words since we only got a small sample. I recommend posting your responses in spoiler tags so as to avoid influencing others accidentally and trying to set aside what you know of the point of the test.

Do not google these words or look at anybody else’s answers. Set a timer, you have 5 minutes, click below whenever you are ready. It is perfectly okay to not finish or skip some questions.

Write the most accurate, profound sentence you can think of based upon the following words:

Life & Death



Order & Chaos





Good & Evil

The Future

Write the shortest sentence you can think of based upon the words provided:



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I’ll start things out with my results, but keep in mind that this isn’t valid data since I was staring at these and subconsciously thinking about them for quite a while before I took it, and so had a bunch of subconscious thought to work off of.

Life & Death
– [skipped and didn’t get back to.]

Love for friends can be more significant than romantic love

Faith is necessary to function, but it matters how it is justified.

Order & Chaos
Order arising out of chaos and chaos out of order are both part of nature.

Hunger is a weapon used to control populations.

Truth exists, but isn’t necessarily knowable.

Respect or disrespect are subjective, and don’t really matter. What matters is harm.

Fear may be irrational, but it always has a reason.

Good & Evil
Most of the most evil acts ever done were committed by people who thought they were doing good.

The Future
The future is constructed in the presence, but weighed down by systems of the past.

Write the shortest sentence you can think of based upon the words provided:

I felt gut-wrenching fear.

Absurdity loves company.


This is stuff I think about when I have nothing else to focus on.

I could go on and on, but you said 5 minutes so I just wrote the shortest version I was happy with and moved on.

Life & Death - there is only beauty and meaning to life because there is death.

Love - love is something between a chemical reaction and so many complex emotions that can make beings of all kinds do really stupid things

Faith - it does t matter what you believe in, only that you have faith in something

Order & Chaos - I happily use order in ways to cause chaos for various reasons

Hunger - I hunger for connections of people who care about me

Truth - without truth how can you fix things?

Respect - I will automatically respect you until you break my trust, then you have to earn it back

Fear - fear is normally your body’s reaction because something bad has happened, or you have been taught that bad will happen

Good & Evil - I do not believe in good and evil as much as selflessness and selfishness

The Future -the future is never pronised

Write the shortest sentence you can think of based upon the words provided:

Gut-wrenching - make the gut-wrenching pain stop

Absurdity - absurdity can hide truth

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All of this in 5 minutes, with 20 seconds left to spare.

Write the most accurate, profound sentence you can think of based upon the following words:

Life & Death

Life is ultimately the result of efficient generation of entropy, and death the result of entropy’s inevitable success.


Love is the ultimate social bond aligning our interests with other people’s interests.


Faith is the refusal to accept the possibility of being wrong.

Order & Chaos

Order & Chaos are human responses to whether we can understand the underlying patterns.


Hunger is our motivation to sustain our need for sustenance.


Truth is based on what is real, but most people’s notions of truth are based on wishful thinking.


Respect is the result of our valuing others.


Fear is one of the basic motivations for the 4 Fs.

Good & Evil

Good & Evil are human editorializing on a neutral universe.

The Future

The future is what it will be, whether or not we can predict it.

Write the shortest sentence you can think of based upon the words provided:


“Gut-wrenching fear.”


“He refused to accept absurdity.”

Here is one more pair that I also like


A persistent illusion maintained through constant effort and self-deception.


I think I did this wrong, all I got were quotes!

Life & Death
As above, so below.
Until death do us part.
Order & Chaos
Maintain the balance.
The truth will set you free.
There is nothing to fear but fear itself.
Good & Evil
The Future
Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.



To get a spoiler you can go to the gear at the upper right of your post, then choose “Blur Spoiler”.

Alternately you can type [spoiler]hidden message here[/spoiler].

And the trick for typing that without actually creating a spoiler is to type [ instead of [. (And the trick for typing [ is to type [ - does anyone sense that recursion might show up soon?)

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Ah, thanks! I knew I was forgetting something!

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You might be fantastic at transmogrification!


Click the summary for mine.

It may be a bit… dark… but it’s what I could do in 5 minutes.


Life & Death: Death is the fuel for all life.

Love: Love is so powerful that it can be wielded as a weapon.

Order & Chaos: Order is a figment of our imagination, (which is why my house is such a mess.)

Hunger is the force that powers humanity, and is also destroying us.

The Future is looking grim for humanity.

Write the shortest sentence you can think of based upon the words provided:

Gut-wrenching loss.

Absurdity defines my sense of humor.


I think I thought too long for the death one.

[1. Death is the worst outcome of any situation, as it strips you off the ability to live for another.

2. Love is when your concept of self comes to contain another

3.To have faith in something is to live as though any other possibility were impossible
lol I was staring as this one for a little, but I just couldn’t think of any other word to use, but the two "possible"s

I skipped the next questions to “Respect”
4. Respect is to consider another one’s thoughts with ernesty

I wish I’d had more time, I thought of one for Order/Chaos
Chaos is what morons call Order they don’t understand the underlying rules of.


Life without death is just a slower death.

Lust is what most think love is.

Faith is a belief in something higher than oneself.

Order & Chaos depends on the perception of the spectator.

Hunger is a pain caused by your own being.

Truth does not always bring relief.

Respect is what people in authority call fear.

Fear is the back bone of authoritarianism.

Good & Evil are illusions of thought.

The Future is determined.

Gut-wrenching pain in Sam’s stomach.

Absurdity can cause hilarity.

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That future sentence was absolute gold

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Here’s my results:

Life & Death
Life and Death are both intrinsically linked forces that, by product of their existence, cannot exist without each other.

Though it may start out that way, love is not something born from conscious desire, but a choice to be made again and again, something forged with passion and dedication in equal measure.

Faith is belief in the unproven.

Order & Chaos
Order and Chaos are both labels that are applied based on perspective instead of knowledge, for all chaos is orderly and all order is chaotic.

Hunger can change depending on what resources you have, but none will ever be without hunger for something.

Truth is something inviolable, a fact that cannot be proven otherwise even with all knowledge placed against it, and therefore, can never be seen unless one knows everything.

Respect is something that is forged from the words of others interacting with your own actions.

Fear is the weighing of risk versus reward, and finding the risk far too high and the reward lacking.

Good & Evil
Good and evil are constructed within the realms of each person’s mind.

The Future
The future is either an ever-shifting and infinite sea of possibilities or a singular line of calculation, and either way, it is best to simply act as if it is uncertain.

This is gut-wrenching.

Absurdity is insanity.

Some of the sentences were incomprehensible so I had to rephrase them to properly convey the idea I was trying to show, but yeah

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