Introducing more exotic pets

I don’t have cats or dogs, i have two Sugar Gliders! These two cuties are named Goober and Xion.

Sugar gliders are little marsupials from Indonesia. They are omnivores like humans. These two favorite foods are corn, melon, yogurt, and live mealworms.


Just felt like posting a few more pictures of them.


How did I miss this! I LOVE your suggies!! The pic of the innocent looking one with the butterbeer is so cute. Are they very high-intensity regarding care and feeding?


They spend most of the night running around their large cage (and sometimes yapping at my GF until she gets up and gives them 30 seconds of attention). Most mornings, we let them run around in her bedroom (supervised, of course).

For food, the biggest limitation is that they don’t like eating the same thing day after day. So we try to mix up what they get fed a little each day. They do have a small dish of kibble that stays in the cage for the days they decide they’re not going to eat squash (or pomegranate or kiwi or green beans) for a third day in a row.

Well that and my GF hates picking up live, squirming worms to feed to them.


If you zoom in, you can just barely see the worm Xion is munching on.

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The suggies seem like they’re lower maintenance than I was let to believe. :rofl: My friends offered to give me a pair about ten years ago, and I thought it would be too much. Now that I have cats and dogs with prey drive, it rules them out pretty solidly - I don’t want to bring any pets into the house that might be at risk from the existing animals.

Your two seem to have a great life, though - that’s a lot of time out of the cage, and from your pics they seem so tame.


It took several weeks before they accepted being picked up without fighting, and several more to tolerate being held. Even now, they usually will only sit calmly in my hand when they’re tired or not quite awake. When they’re active they won’t even hold still to be petted!


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this little BRAT hid in that box, where we didnt think he could fit, for THREE HOURS of us tearing apart the bedroom looking for him.


I want to interject that caring for them isn’t so bad.

But getting started can be a nightmare if they show up early unannounced and before any of their stuff arrive (we had like 3 hours of notice!!!)

I equate them to toddlers that know where the candy is because that is basically what they are. They are mentally at most 5 year olds who can’t be potty trained (but most of the time their messes are small and easily cleaned with a baby wipe)

Goober can open a pickle jar if it’s not tightly closed, they both untie knots and solve plastic sequence puzzles (that I put pumpkin seeds inside of).

Xion understands how to open my door via doorknob, but at 85 grams, thankfully can’t. So I just have to make sure she can’t nudge it open from the top

I also swear they are half cats, knocking stuff off shelves, attacking chicken feathers, and wanting pets on the top of their heads.

Goober has decided that my Stitch needs to find a new spot, but since it’s huge plush, like almost as big as me, him doing his flying jump kick to its head only flopped the head a little bit, my chair was also in the way,

But just because he can push around a 300 gram Lily doll, this 105g baby prob isn’t getting stitch anywhere.

Xion does try to drag my lighter throw into her cage sometimes,

However, they can be very good at hiding, as much as goobs hates his picture taken, he wanted out of that box.

Oh, they also, like cats and toddlers, will do as they are told… Goober understands he won’t go into the cage if he obeys… Xion is like nope I’m free! Chase me


They found and then properly opened the dumb dumb.

They have complaints about how little they got to lick the lollipop


So speaking on personal space, at home, at night, a few hours leading to blue coming home I will fold up the hem of my shirt to make a loose pocket/holder thing and scoop the little sleepy monsters into it then if I’m wearing certain jammies pants I can tuck the pocket in the hem and they happily sleep

Right until they know daddy should be home (being barely one their internal clock can be off by over 30 minutes)

But today was pretty spot on, however, daddy was out late today and so Xion kept coming out looking for him before getting annoyed because how hard it was to get back in without help…

She ended up just hissing when she wanted help getting back in… Frustrated adorableness

She hissed after she realized I took the picture with her butt out, shed been like that for a minute, I figured she was either posing for a picture (which she will do) or content like that…

Either way, picture taken, it’s getting shared

ave a picture of one of them just wanting to hold hands


The lollipop picture is too much! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::pleading_face:

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Last night they wanted to wake me up every hour again, one of the ways was chewing on a coconut area, that I eventually took out of the cage

But due to lack of sleep and so much pain, I latched it while open

So the babies escaped into the room

However, as soon as goober realized I was asleep and didn’t mean to let them out, he jumped on to my chest from a high place and dashed down my legs, perched on my toes to make sure I woke up and took off again.

Then, because I asked what happened the little goober ran circles around me and across my legs before running up his cage and then going to go play.

It took me almost 30 minutes to confirm yes Xion was in the room and when I asked goobs where he was he hit was he was next to and then looked at me to make sure I saw him and went to zoom some more.

I shut my door and laid down, much to goobers annoyance. He wants me up and doing stuff while he zooms, it’s time to play.

No… Today is not a good day for me.

I vote for a cuddle pile!

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I still mean to take a picture of them in my craft backpack with yarn for I love this thread

But during our game today I handed Xion one of my d10s and she of course got cute and actually slapped my finger away when I tried to take it back

But it is not very comfy to sleep with so she tried to lay on top of it and I took it back, so she grumped and tried to cuddle goobs


I am in so much trouble for taking those two photos

Like seriously getting the full arms out and mouth open I am a bear crabbed at

Though I was allowed some pets, while still getting crabbed at because I booped yer nose until she let me pet her


They are so cute!! I can’t get enough.

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Someone snatched a whole pizza roll and ran away with it.


Chased her across my bed, and while I managed to stop her from going into a hard to reach place with it, she still got it into a box e.e

I also bought a Halloween nano bug, you know, the micro bots that vibrate around? This one has a glow in the dark exoskeleton… And Xion hates it, she wants to take it apart, on or off, and will chase whatever hand she thinks it’s in for a while

Goober stole it, ran up into the cage, did the cat kill the bunny kicks, and when I said that was enough, looked at me but left it alone.

Where as I had to fight Xion for it, and got bit.

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