The specific Book to create Celerium

How did Oliver/the thief know which book was the right one ?
Assuming all books look the same ? The best answer I remember reading so far has been something along the lines of ‘it was in a prominent place in M’s study’.

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i could be wrong, but i didn’t get the impression that Oliver knew what was in the book he stole, just that it was the most important find from the expedition. because when Siobhan tells him what is in the book (and asks if he set her up over the theft), he seems to suddenly realize how much it could help his plans to take over Lenore.

Of course, so far Siobhan is the only one who can even open the books (though i expect we’ll see Lacer figure it out in the next book or two). So Oliver having it doesn’t mean it’s doing him any good.

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I mean, it does literally seem to be the place of prominence in his hermitage. Specifically, it was immediately in front of some bowls of beast cores that had been directly converted into celerium, and a bowl of matching cores.


My private guess is that we have an Aberrant oracle out there whose prophecies always come true in the worst possible way. Who could have answered a question about how the celerium crisis will be solved.

Incidentally What is the nature of the Plane of Darkness? - #13 by BlueNinja has my best guess for how celerium can be created.